Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Caraway Sauscisson

Recipe Calculator
Meat and Fat gm
Cure #2 gm
Salt gm
Sugar gm
Caraway Seed gm
Garlic gm
Black Pepper gm

I have been fermenting lots of vegetables recently. In all of these mixed vegetable dishes there is cabbage and when I started it was by making Sauerkraut. The traditional spice for Sauerkraut is caraway and recently I have been getting quite a taste for it. It seems natural that the next thing to do is make a cured sausage with caraway seed. I used as my basis the Cured Fennel Sausage that I made in April and substituted the fennel for caraway.

I accidentally put in a greater proportion of spice than I intended. The reason for this is that I made these sausages as a combined batch with the Lincolnshire sausages and forgot that I had taken 1Kg of meat out when working out the spices. Luckily the basic mix had been made correctly. If I had got the quantity of cure wrong in the mix I would have had to ditch the lot.

As it turned out, even with what I thought was twice the amount of caraway that I was aiming for the spice was still too low. The caraway flavour is good, but it is too much in the background.

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